
Wiktionary saytından

local m_links = require("Module:links") local m_data = mw.loadData("Module:form of/data")

local export = {}

function export.format_t(text, terminfo) return "" .. text .. " " .. "" .. m_links.full_link(terminfo, "term", false) .. "" .. "" end

function export.form_of_t(frame) local iargs = frame.args

local term_param = tonumber(iargs["term_param"]) or 1 local text = iargs[1]; if text == "" then text = nil end local lang = iargs["lang"] local sc = iargs["sc"] local id = iargs["id"]

if not text then error("No definition text provided.") end

local params = { [term_param] = {required = true}, [term_param + 1] = {}, [term_param + 2] = {alias_of = "gloss"},

["cap"] = {}, ["dot"] = {}, ["from"] = {}, ["from2"] = {}, ["from3"] = {}, ["from4"] = {}, ["from5"] = {}, ["from6"] = {}, ["gloss"] = {}, ["id"] = {}, ["is lemma"] = {type = "boolean"}, ["lang"] = {required = lang == nil}, ["nocap"] = {type = "boolean"}, ["nocat"] = {type = "boolean"}, ["nodot"] = {type = "boolean"}, ["POS"] = {}, ["pos"] = {}, ["sc"] = {}, ["sort"] = {}, ["tr"] = {}, }

local args = require("Module:parameters").process(frame:getParent().args, params)

local term = args[term_param] or "term" local alt = args[term_param + 1]

lang = lang or args["lang"] or "und" sc = sc or args["sc"] id = id or args["id"]

lang = require("Module:languages").getByCode(lang) or error("The language code \"" .. lang .. "\" is not valid.") sc = (sc and (require("Module:scripts").getByCode(sc) or error("The script code \"" .. sc .. "\" is not valid.")) or nil)

return export.format_t(text, {lang = lang, sc = sc, term = term, alt = alt, id = id, gloss = args["gloss"], tr = args["tr"]}) end

function export.tagged_inflections(tags, terminfo) local cur_infl = {} local inflections = {}

for i, tag in ipairs(tags) do if m_data.shortcuts[tag] then elseif m_data.tags[tag] then else require("Module:debug").track("inflection of/unknown") require("Module:debug").track("inflection of/unknown/" .. tag:gsub("%[", "("):gsub("%]", ")"):gsub("|", "!")) end

if tag == ";" then if #cur_infl > 0 then table.insert(inflections, table.concat(cur_infl, " ")) end

cur_infl = {} else tag = m_data.shortcuts[tag] or tag local data = m_data.tags[tag]

-- If there is a nonempty glossary index, then show a link to it if data and data.glossary then tag = "" .. tag .. "" end

table.insert(cur_infl, tag) end end

if #cur_infl > 0 then table.insert(inflections, table.concat(cur_infl, " ")) end

if #inflections == 1 then return export.format_t("sözünün " .. inflections[1] .. " halı", terminfo) else return "inflection of " .. "" .. m_links.full_link(terminfo, "term", false) .. "" .. ":\n## " .. table.concat(inflections, "\n## ") .. "" end end

return export